Oligo Factory Attends 8th Annual OPT Congress

Oligo Factory’s team met with key stakeholders and customers at the Oligo Factory booth and throughout the conference.

The Oligo Factory team attended the eighth annual OPT Congress in Boston, Massachusetts, March 13-14. OPT Congress brings together leading researchers, scientists, and industry professionals to showcase the latest technology and developments in the field.

At OPT Congress, we discussed with industry leaders, including researchers, pharmaceutical companies, academics, scientists, and more, how Oligo Factory’s customizable, scalable, and high-quality oligo production could meet their oligo production needs.

Oligo Factory booth at OPT Congress

Proprietary Oligo Synthesis Equipment

Oligo Factory’s third generation synthesis platform, NANDA Series, enables next-level speed, control and quality.

Our Custom(er) Advantage

Our customer-centric approach and innovative oligo synthesis solutions foster lasting relationships.

ISO Certified

We are ISO 9001:2015 Certified (ISO 13485 2016 and cGMP compliance in 2023). Quality is at the heart of everything we do.

Where We Come In

Oligonucleotides, or “oligos,” are short DNA or RNA molecules that have a variety of uses in research, medicine, and biotechnology. Oligos are used in everything from advanced therapeutics to genetic engineering. Oligos are key to the cell and gene therapy revolution happening right now. However, the process of synthesizing oligos can be time-consuming and expensive, and the resulting molecules may have impurities that can affect their performance. That’s where Oligo Factory comes in.

If you’re interested in speaking an Oligo Factory representative, click here to fill out this short form or email info@oligofactory.com.