
Precision-Engineered Oligonucleotides for Targeted Therapies

Oligo Factory | Aptamers

Aptamers are short, single-stranded DNA or RNA molecules that bind with high affinity and specificity to target molecules. These versatile oligonucleotides can be engineered to recognize a wide range of targets, from small molecules to proteins and even whole cells. Their unique properties make aptamers valuable tools for diagnostic, therapeutic, and research applications. However, aptamer synthesis requires precise control and expertise to ensure optimal binding affinity, specificity, and stability. 

Oligo Factory leverages finely-tuned solid phase synthetic chemistry and extensive experience to produce high-quality aptamers at scale. Our advanced NANDA Series synthesizers enable precise control and enhanced purity for even the most complex aptamer sequences. 

At Oligo Factory, we combine cutting-edge technology with unparalleled expertise to deliver superior aptamers.

  • Solid-phase synthesis optimized for aptamer production 
  • Customization capabilities for complex modifications and sequences 
  • Scalable production from milligrams to kilograms 
  • GMP-compliant manufacturing for clinical applications 
  • Expert consultation throughout the design and production process 
  • Production to delivery within 4-6 weeks

Our high-quality aptamers support innovation across multiple fields.

  • Targeted drug delivery systems 
  • Biosensors and diagnostic assays 
  • Protein purification and characterization 
  • Cell-specific imaging probes 
  • Therapeutic agents for cancer and other diseases 
  • Research tools for studying protein-nucleic acid interactions 

Why Aptamer Developers Partner with Oligo Factory

Ready to advance your aptamer program? 

56 Boynton Rd, Holliston, MA 01746

Phone: (508) 275-3561
Email: Info@oligofactory.com